Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Daydreaming | A Form of Leisure

Everyone daydreams.

It is human to do that.
The brain wanders to far-away places and places of impossibilities.
Things got done without actual doing.
Fights were fought without physical injuries.

Leisure was pursued without monetary cost during daydreaming.
Isn't this wonderful?

Yes, daydreaming is a leisure, if it does not disrupt actual work or study.

Daydreaming, in fact, is healthy to the mind. It automatically shifts your mind to the creative gear ready to produce ideas not possible in the actual world.

This is so because your mind is relaxed. Leisure feeling causes the relax mindset.

Daydreaming as a form of leisure is thus good if you practice that in an appropriate setting.


1 comment:

Nurul Islam Shimul said...

Wow! what a great presentation here in your blog,looking really nice.Sundarban & Cox's Bazar