Thursday, October 11, 2007

Does clothing affects our leisure attitude?

"An outlook will determine one's future". Have you heard of this message before. I always do. It gets one higher up the corporate ladder. It gives one authority from the way he dresses. It generates confidence. It makes one relax also. It creates wonder!

Why is it so?

The attention one draws will indirectly affects his mode for the day. When he started his day on the wrong side, then it will be tough going.But if he attracts good views, he will brighten up. Clothing is one way to draw attention. Clothing will also influence others. To have a relax and stressless day, dress leisurely. Dress in bermuda for the day and you feel relax (of course in the appropriate environment!). If you dress wrongly in the surrounding, you will get some nasty feedbacks, directly or indirectly.

However, to steer up your mode, dress acordingly. Leisure attire generates mode of leisure. It helps to cool down the pace of life. After one hardworking day, everyone deserves a relax break. Jump into your favourite clothing and enjoy the day.

To pick up tips on dressing, just go to any boutique, view fashion magazine, view fashion shows, and surf the net. You may like to talk with your friends and get feedbacks too. No matter what, dress in the clothing that you want your mode or attitude to be. It helps, try it !

(To tell you my secret, I dress my best when I am taking my college exam. It gives me good grades.)

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