Friday, May 8, 2009

Eating For Experience

Everyone need to eat.

Some eat to survive, while some live to eat.

Depending on one's need and enjoyment level, eating can be fun, that is, if done properly.

Tasting food is an experience. It is a learning process and a good one too.

It triggers the taste sense of human.

Finding out the key ingredients within the food tasted can be interesting. It makes you wonder what causes the food to be of that taste, and how does the various ingredients blend or mix with each other.

Of course, all this is done for the sake of finding out about food, not to grow in physical size!

Leisure in eating, is thus, wonderful when you have an objective towards eating.

Finding out the dining environment issue with food tasting atmosphere is also another area to visit. Food tasting in a different dining setup may matters.
How good is the food?
This is a subjective question.

But all in all, eating is an experience, and can be definitely done with leisure in mind.

Cheers to eating!